Monday, January 24, 2011

NBA: Piston win the game againts Suns (01/22/2011)

Phoenix Suns against the Detroit Piston is superb. Suns in the first half, hit show in the Piston. Nash became wary of his doing. Nash quickly release the ball 3points shot and turn it entered the ring. Consecutive score dropped by the Suns in the length of their game contrary the Piston in the First half. But is hot as other teams to play because they want to win that game. Beautiful teamwork of Piston and task with the ball inside. In the second half was hot the game changed when they shot the ball two teams. after the close of the last half the game, the Suns misfortune so they could still be chasing the score of the piston, the piston Detroit wins 74-75 score not far apart a score of two teams. Click the link below to see the events in the game.

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