Thursday, January 20, 2011

NBA: Boston Celtics vs Detroit Piston Game Highlights (10/19/2011)

Boston Celtics Piston attack immediately. O'Neal beautiful play he displayed the Boston Celtics. Rey allen allen alley oops pass by O'Neal and quickly turn it to enter the ring. Piston Rodney Stuckey will quickly dribble the ball into the ring they have to enter it because of the very few times that just remained in the First Half leading the Piston in the first half of the game with score 42-45. At the beginning of the Second Half will immediately showed tremendous alley oop the Piston Tracy McGrady alley opp pass to Tayshaun Prince. But also immediately revoke the Boston Alley oop to O'Neal also from Rondo. Offense splitting of Boston under the ring because of their large O'Neal Center. With very few times in the last quarter remained hot against two Team. Kevin Garnett took Foul and that turned them to help them win the game they Piston. Boston Celtics win their game against the Detroit Piston to score 82-86 Si Paul Pierce has ever recorded high 22 PTS, 5 reb.

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