Thursday, January 20, 2011

NBA: Dallas won the game against the Lakers (01/19/2011)

First half the Lakers immediately attacked the Dallas Mavericks. Consecutive points dropped the Lakers. at the beginning is great that the Lakers game against Dallas. Cross over Kobe Bryant vs kid and quickly passed it already because of kobe score the ball to Pau Gasol. But in spite of all is the wind before the game. Dallas attackers turn and shot consecutive 3points made. Jason Terry and Jason kid has the talent to show shot the ball in the ring. The Lakers did not lose half the Second able Lomar Odom forced to enter inside and quickly release of the ball in the ring and it did the victory. But nothing made the lakers dallas produced by their team. But still continued in the dallas score works no longer able to claim on the Lakers. Dallas beautiful plan so that they lose the game lakers score 100-109 

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