Sunday, January 9, 2011

NBA:Most good fight between Detroit Piston and 76ers to Overtime (01/08/2011)

76ers in the first half were leading the game to score two hot teams got their determination to win them but to stretch the game is different when the wind. misfortune the 76ers gradually pursuing the Detroit Piston showed their play from the chaff so that's just upset the opponent. Piston took advantage of the weakness of the 76ers in their game. beautiful combination of Piston them easy scoring. Piston loosened of their Defense under make it difficult for the 76ers score. They led by McGrady and Tyson Prince the extra points for chasing able to score. In the second half is still leading the 76ers to score 76res tortured by the piston that catch up. Piston doing everything to be equal the score. close after the fourth quarter was hotter in the game the two teams just because of the small gap between the scores still leading the 76ers. But will settle a long shot 3point Piston hero of the Austin Daye that he did more overtime in the game. Click the links below to see the events in Overtime Its very Amazing.

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