Friday, February 4, 2011

NBA: Lakers contrary Spurs game is very amazing (02/03/2011)

Lakers became hot in their game against the Spurs. Amazing Kobe Bryant pass to Pau Gasol. To stretch the Lakers game is beautiful in First Half their combination. Ronn Artist who also stop showing from the shot the ball. But also not good yield the Spurs as their combination against the Lakers. In the Second Half Kobe Bryant will immediately make points for their Team. The exchange got a score of two teams quickly turned Tony Parker recovered the ball shot. In the Last Quarter is. immediately set play Spurs made them able to act immediately score. Richard Jefferson quick release of the ball 3points shot. But also immediately revoke the Lakers Kobe Bryant pass to Lomar Odom in the 3point line and quickly dropped the ball by Odom. Hot game of lakers and spurs them no one wants to be outdone. for more information click the link below.

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